New Learners of the 21st Century

New Learners of the 21st Century

Quest to Learn

Quest to Learn is a school in New York City that builds on top of New York’s Educational Standards. Using the standards as their baseline, they incorporate technology at every stop. The school uses video games to captivate their students. “A game is nothing but a problem space. What is a video game? It is just a set of problems.” –James Gee, Arizona State University (9:05)

“The construct that has been most overlooked in the 21st century is the power and importance of play.”

John Seely Brown, University of Southern California (7:02)


The students collaborate using different video games (including Little Big Planet). Students create levels inside the video game using the video games’ edit modes. These levels portray certain well-known stories. This style of learning engages students more than the study and test style.

“More important, even than going from consumption to production, is going production to participation.”

Diana Rhoten, Digital Media and Learning Social Science Research Center (30:40)


The students are forced to communicate when collaborating. When they are teaching, or re-explaining, concepts to the other students, they are reinforcing their own learning. Forcing students to communicate with each other allows them to share their ideas. Before their ideas would be mostly shared with their teachers but as they communicate more they come across others ideas.

“Tinkering brings thought and action together in a very powerful and magical way… it’s like an epiphany.”

John Seely Brown (7:25)

Critical thinking

As stated before, video games are a set of problems. While playing the games, students have to critically think to come up with the right answers. While creating the games students will have to think even deeper and have a deeper understanding of the material and concepts.

“If we teach today’s kid the way we taught yesterday, we rob them of tomorrow.”

John Dewey (1:33)


The students have to use their creativity to solve complex problems. While creating, creativity will shine through. Students will create unique products when given the chance. While trying to create products, such as video game levels, they will show off their creativity more than the conventional essay or test.

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